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More Writing by Andy Walsh

This is my first book, but not my first writing venture. I write about science and faith every Wednesday for the Emerging Scholars Network, a ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Some recent posts you might enjoy:

Christianity Today has published a few articles and essays of mine.

I've written for BioLogos, including thoughts on Star Wars and X-Men. BioLogos helps evangelical Christians understand evolutionary biology and address theological questions about it.

I gave this talk at a BioLogos conference; some of the ideas from Faith across the Multiverse are discussed briefly.

I gave this talk at the 2018 American Scientific Affiliation meeting; it highlights some of the science fiction & science connections and also some of the science & theology connections from the book. Slides from the talk are available here.

I was on Stephen Bedard's Hope's Reason podcast talking about evolutionary biology and theology.